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Go Ahead and Get Your Mad on Now!

Ladies and gents, curmudgeons and malcontents, welcome to the inaugural grumbling of "The Original Grumpy Old Fart." I am your host, the epitome of cantankerous wisdom, and a battle-hardened veteran of life's many skirmishes. I actually started this blog some 15-or-so years ago, and then let is fade into internet oblivion. But I've the time and desire, and gripes to bring it back from the ashes.


At the ripe age of 64, with a lifetime of blue-collar blood coursing through these veins—compliments of my hardworking parents who somehow managed to wrangle eight of us into adulthood—I am here to bestow upon you the unvarnished truth of our modern society, as I see it.

Politics? You bet. Culture? Certainly. The ever-declining manners of youngsters and the baffling new gadgetry that is supposed to make life "easier"? Stay tuned! I'm not out to win popularity contests; I'm here to speak my mind, blow off steam, and maybe, just maybe, resonate with a few souls who remember what it was like when kids actually played outside, and a handshake was a man's bond.

So buckle up, grab your beverage of choice (I'll have a piping hot black coffee, thank you very much), and prepare to indulge in a symphony of gripes, moans, and good old-fashioned rants. It's about to get bumpy, a little bit laugh-out-loud, and wholly, unapologetically real. Welcome to "The Original Grumpy Old Fart." So let's get right to it! 

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Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Welcome to my blog! My name is Scott, and I may be a 64-year-old man, but that doesn't mean I'm oblivious to the issues plaguing today's American society. In fact, I have a few bones to pick with the current societal direction. Join me on this digital platform as I fearlessly tackle these and other topics head-on, with no sugar-coating, and deliver straight-forward, no-holds-barred, to-the-point posts. Together, let's delve into what I believe is wrong with today's American society and, perhaps, find some solutions along the way.



But Pretty Close to Pretty Good

Welcome to "The Original Grump Old Fart" blog! Here, I bring you writing that may or may not be considered top-notch, but hey, it's close enough! If you're tired of pretentious blogs and fancy words, or people trying to sell you stuff, you've come to the right place. I'm here to rant, rave, and share my unfiltered thoughts on society and such, no holds barred. Most of the thought processing is done in quiet, solitary places such as in the picture to the left, and then I just write! If you resonate with the grumpy mentality, stick around for some enjoyable, no-nonsense content. But if not, no hard feelings! Feel free to bid adios and find your way elsewhere. Stay grumpy, stay real, and embrace the imperfect nature of life!

Man and boy walking out to woodshed.
I can't tell you how many times I heard my grandparents say "I'm fixin to take you out behind the woodshed!" This isn't quite how I envisioned it, but you get the jest! 
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